Mediating role of work engagement between role stressors and career transition intentions

Mediating role of work engagement between role stressors and career transition intentions: A study of the dairy sector in Lahore, Pakistan

This study explores the relationship between role stressors, work engagement, and career transition intentions within the dairy sector of Lahore, Pakistan. Role stressors, such as role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload, are common challenges faced by employees that can significantly impact their job satisfaction and career decisions. The study examines how work engagement acts as a mediating factor, potentially reducing the negative effects of role stressors and influencing employees’ intentions to transition from their current roles or organizations.

Focusing on the dairy sector, an industry essential to Pakistan's economy, this research highlights the importance of understanding employee well-being and retention strategies. The findings aim to provide actionable insights for organizations to improve employee engagement and reduce turnover intentions, ultimately enhancing organizational performance and sustainability.


The growing trend of significant social and economic changes has made career mobility a prevalent issue. In Pakistan's dairy sector, increasing structural and strategic shifts have led to heightened ambiguity, conflicts, and employee turnover. This study examines how role stressors—such as role ambiguity and role conflict—impact employees' intentions to transition careers, focusing on the mediating role of work engagement.

Data was collected from 292 middle and lower-level employees of small and medium-sized dairy organizations in Pakistan using a 39-item Likert scale questionnaire. A simple random sampling method was employed, and the data was analyzed using Andrew F. Hayes' multiple regression mediation analysis.

The results confirmed both the direct and indirect effects of role stressors on career transition intentions, mediated by work engagement. The findings highlight the significant presence of role ambiguity and conflict within the dairy firms, their impact on employees' work engagement, and how these factors shape their career transition intentions. The study also discusses its limitations and suggests areas for future research.

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